Monday, November 21, 2011

What have I Got to be Thankful for?

This year has brought many challenges and struggles. If you keep up with this blog, you know that we sold my mother's house after 30 years of living, a task that would make anyone want to pull their hair out, but along with that, I was also having to move as I lived with her. Finding the right place at an affordable price so that my youngest daughter could remain at her current high school was not easy. We found out in May that although my oldest was accepted into a very prestigious University's BFA program for Theatre, she would not be able to attend because something that I thought was a benefit at my current job, tuition exchange, was not a given, and the tuition was just too high without it. My little family of 3 is feeling the pinch just like everyone else in this economy of ever climbing prices weighed against stagnant income. WOW! Painting a pretty pathetic picture, huh? What have I got to be thankful for?............A LOT! First, let's address the issue of my mother's house. In this TERRIBLE market, the house sold in less than 3 months. With the help of a wonderful real estate agent, Barbara P. Bennett, we found a place for my girls and I to live in the right school district and it's a place I really love. When my oldest wasn't able to attend the University where she was accepted, she decided to take a gap year, and I have had the wonderful pleasure of having her home with me a little bit longer. She was able to get two jobs that she's perfect for and she enjoys. The economy? Well I don't really have encouraging news there, but in the times we have really been up against it financially, we have had someone there to help us. In three days we will celebrate the day set aside for giving thanks. I love this holiday, partly because it's not so rushed and jam packed with so many things to do or places to be. I am lucky enough to have 5 days off, and I spend them at home. No, I am not a BLACK Friday shopper. I wake up on Thursday morning and put my turkey in the oven, and spend the day making all my favorites that I grew up with and a few of my own too. I sample and enjoy the smells of turkey and dressing, and carrot cake as it bakes. I watch the parade and sit down with my favorite people and enjoy the meal I've cooked. No rushing, no craziness, just time to enjoy each other and all we have to be thankful for. Even with all the struggle, I am so blessed. I wouldn't trade my life for a struggle free one if it meant giving up the things that truly matter, the love of my children, the privilege that I have of watching them grow and share in their joys and sorrows, the fact that I am there for them, and they know it and rely on it, a wonderful church family that has been there for us in so many ways, family and friends that are encouraging and supportive. I could go on and on and on, but I won't. I do, however, encourage you to look at all there is around you to be thankful for and appreciate it not just on Thursday but every day of the year.

Friday, November 11, 2011

At What Price?

Unless you live under a rock, you have read or heard the horrible news surrounding Penn State and their football program. I read an article today, really an editorial, about how the writer felt about the actions of the coaches and administration concerning the rape and molestation of children at the hands of one of their own. The author took the approach of writing a manual of how to deal with this situation. At first glance, if the reader knew nothing of the scandal, they would think that the one who penned this piece was stating the obvious, common sense. Surely no one needs to have these steps written down to know to do them, and that was just the point. The "rules" of what to do when witnessing or being told of an act as unspeakable as this, a crime, certainly do not need to be in print for one to know what to do. Yet, not one, but several people, looked the other way. Oh, they did "enough" to ease their conscience. They all played "Pilate" in this scenario and their hands were clean. They did what they were supposed to do, so the abuser should have been arrested immediately, right? WRONG! He was not arrested, and the abuse continued with 14 other young boys. I'm sure you're thinking that can't be possible! How could he not be arrested? One reason, he was never reported to the police. This amazes me. Two different people witnessed firsthand what was going on, and not only did they not try to stop it right then, they did not call the police. In a comment listed in response to the editorial said something that haunted me, in regards to the boy who was victimized, "I wonder if he heard the door and thought he was saved, only to hear the door open and close again." Imagine if you were that boy. Why wasn't it stopped? Why wasn't something done? Only those men can answer to that. I can only speculate that it was out of  selfish fear of losing what was important to them, but at what price? Unfortunately much too high a price for 15 young boys.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

48...gonna be great!!!

Yesterday, I turned 48. I am 2 years away from the big 50, but the funny thing is, I don't feel old. In fact, I feel better on this birthday than I have in years! I am happier, and one of the biggest reasons for that is I'm healthier. I am 45 lbs. lighter than I was on my last birthday, and I can't believe the difference in the way it makes me feel on a daily basis. My lighter self is not the only reason I feel like this birthday is the beginning of a wonderful journey. I have 2 of the most wonderful daughters that anyone could ever ask for. They love me, and I love them so very much. I am so blessed to have them in my life! I am living on my own in a house that's all my own to decorate as I please. I am also having an amazing time directing for the first time with a fabulous group of students at Tucker High School, my alma mater. It feels surreal to stand in that auditorium watching these high school students and their excitement as they create on the very same stage that I stood on 30 years ago. I am so proud and can't wait to see these young actors and actresses in the show on opening night! Something else has happened in the last week that is another step on my "new life, new me" journey. Those of you who know me, know that if I had my wish, I would be acting full time. I was bitten by the acting bug 38 years ago. Because of a whole set of circumstances, I have not been on the stage in a year and a half. It's like a piece of me goes missing the longer I go without doing a show. Back on October 1st I went to Barksdale and Theatre IV's open call for their entire season, but the show I was really interested in was "Always, Patsy Cline." This show drew my attention especially, for two reasons. One was the fact that it was being directed by someone that I admire greatly, Joe Pabst. Joe and I have worked together many times, and I really wanted the chance to work with him again. The second reason was that I would get to share the stage with a stellar actress and an awesome singer, Debra Wagoner. I got a callback two weeks ago, and last week I got a call offering me the part of "Louise" I am thrilled! I cannot wait to start rehearsing and to set foot on the stage again in such wonderful company! So...48? Old? Not a chance! I feel like my life is just beginning!

I Am One of the Parasite Class

  I have been silent for a while. Partly because I was busy with a show, but also there is so much to write about, where do I start? I have ...