Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Make America What Again?

Not that long ago I would have been spending my July 3rd evening combing through my closet looking for something red, white and blue to wear tomorrow. Celebrate the 4th! Show your colors! I was the first person to whip out a tissue frantically dabbing my eyes as I heard America, the Beautiful or The National Anthem. I am a teacher, and I wore black and white to school today. In previous years I would have been decked out practically looking like a tacky ad for Patriotism, but, sadly not today. Don't get me wrong. I know that even with all of its faults I still could be living in far worse places, but today I am mad!!! I am mad at what the current administration has turned my country into. I am mad that my precious flag, once a symbol of freedom and honor, has been turned into a banner of hate and exclusion. Every day I keep thinking I am going to find out that none of this is real. This can't be happening here. this is America! But it is! And the sad thing is a huge amount of the population is cheering on the hate, supporting the exclusion, and laughing at the suffering inflicted on children by US! I don't want to be associated with that America. I am not proud! I am dabbing at my eyes, but because my country has turned into the mad, pitch fork wielding mob, and I am at a loss as to how to stop it. America has become the rabid dog, foaming at the mouth with hate, and though you once loved the loyal and true companion, the only way to save it is to destroy it. Is that what we've come to? I pray not!

I Am One of the Parasite Class

  I have been silent for a while. Partly because I was busy with a show, but also there is so much to write about, where do I start? I have ...