Friday, October 1, 2010

Before "D'oh", There Was "Yabba Dabba Doo"

50 years ago today the world was introduced to a wonderful family named the Flinstones via a little box in their living room called a televison. On September 30, 1960, ABC, premiered the first Prime time cartoon about a prehistoric couple named Fred and Wilma Flinstone and their neighbors Barney and Betty Rubble. The show ran from 1960 -1966, and proved to ABC that an animated show could survive in a Primetime slot. Fred and the gang had a  primetime first. He and Wilma were the first married couple to be shown on TV sharing the same bed, so naturally a child would be introduced. At first pass Fred and Wilma were supposed to have a little boy, but when a sponsor came to Hanna Barbera and suggested that it be a girl so they could market a doll, an episode called "The Blessed Event" aired on February 22, 1963, and the Flinstones had a baby girl. The network sponsored a contest to name her, and, yes, you know the name that won, Pebbles. The little girl with the bright red hair that would forever seal the name of the ponytail on top of one's head as a "Pebbles Ponytail."
I grew up with "The Flintstones." I remember so many shows, and I especially remember that the episodes with Kazoo were some of the favorites of my sister and me. And Jenna and I sang "Let the Sunshine In" for weeks after Pebbles and Bamm Bamm performed it. I was only 3 when the series ended in 1966, but it ran in syndication for years, and most of us, I'm sure, can sing the theme song, but do you REALLY know the words?
Flintstones. Meet the Flintstones. They're the modern stone age family. From the town of Bedrock, They're a page right out of history. Let's ride with the family down the street. Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet. When you're with the Flintstones you'll have a yabba dabba doo time. A dabba doo time. You'll have a gay old time. I have to confess. I don't know what I was singing, but I never knew until recently that the line was: "Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet" Admit it, you know you're singing the Theme song right now, aren't you?
So Homer Simpson if Fred had not paved the way with his "Yabba Dabba Doo," and 6 years of a primetime series (longer than many sitcoms that run today) you would have never had the the chance to utter those immortal words on primetime televison, "D'oh!"

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