Sunday, May 8, 2011

I didn't always want to be a mom. When I was growing up, I never babysat, I never wanted to hold people's babies. It just wasn't my thing. When I met the person who would become my husband, we even talked about one of us making the decision to have surgery so we couldn't have children. I am so glad we didn't make that decision. I was married for about 8 years, and something happened I can't explain. A feeling just came over me. I wanted a baby. We started trying, and it took almost a year for us to get pregnant. We were so excited! We told everyone right away, and then at about 12 weeks, I lost that child. Losing a child before it's born is a very different thing. It's the death of a dream, a plan, a future. We were told that we could try again almost immediately, and 3 months later I got pregnant again. 40 weeks later, I had a beautiful baby girl. She was amazing, and being a mother was amazing! It's a role I'd never planned on playing, but one I'm so glad I took on. 3 1/2 years later my second little girl came into the world. It is no secret to anyone who reads this blog that I have spent most of their lives as a single mom. Not what I planned, but I am so glad that I have had them to make this journey with . They are not just my daughters, they are my friends. They love me, and they let me know it. No, it's not all sunshine and roses, but nothing worth having is. They are now 15 and 18, and one will graduate in 5 short weeks. She is starting on a new path that she will forge alone, but she will always have a part of me with her. Both of them know that I am there for them no matter what, and that they can always count on me. I could not ask for better children if I had written down every quality I wanted and handed it to God myself. So on this day to honor Mothers, I want to thank those two wonderful young women, and tell them that I am honored to have been picked to be their Mom.

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