Thursday, July 14, 2011

"So shines a good deed in a weary world." ~ Willy Wonka

I spend a good amount of time on the Internet between email and Facebook. Ahhh...Facebook..that phenomenon of social networking. If you are familiar with Facebook, and if you're not, you need to seriously reconsider that "hermit" thing, you know that people post things all the time. Some are of interest to me, others are not, but every once in a while someone posts something that touches me deeply. This morning as I was scrolling through my news feed I came across a video that Jim Beaver posted. It was about a softball team and one particular player who scored her first home run, but there was a problem. She hit the ball over the fence, but turning 1st, she tore her ACL and dropped to the ground in pain. The rules state that if her own team members were to touch her to help her around the bases, she would be called out. What to do? And then something happened. A player from the opposing team asked the umpire if she could pick her up and carry her around the bases. She was told there was no rule against that, so she and another teammate picked up the injured player and carried her around the bases, stopping to touch her uninjured foot on each base. She had her home run, her first and last, as the injury ended her softball career. The opposing team lost the game that day as the home run they assisted with drove in two other runs, but it wasn't about winning that day. It was about doing the right thing, putting someone else before yourself! As I watched the video, and, YES, I cried, I couldn't help but think, ALL IS NOT LOST! There is till hope for a better world when you see young people exhibit such selfless behavior. The world is in their hands, and I'm pretty comfortable with that.

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