Sunday, September 25, 2011

Where does the time go?

19 years ago I was traveling early in the morning to St. Mary's hospital. I wasn't injured. I hadn't been in an accident. My first baby was 2 1/2 weeks past due, and I was going to be induced. I was bound and determined to have this baby naturally ( A.k.a. NO DRUGS) That was until I realized that being induced meant hard labor right away, no gradual ease into the major labor pains. I dealt with it the best I could for 7 hours, but then when I was told I wasn't progressing at all, natural childbirth went out the window. GIVE ME AN EPIDURAL!!!! Even after that, labor still went on for another 6 hours and I still didn't progress. On top of that, the labor was stressing my little baby, and the heart rate kept dropping. Induction was stopped, and I ended up having a C-section. We had decided we didn't want to know the sex of the baby. We wanted to be surprised, and I was sure I was having a boy. In the delivery room as I felt extreme pressure as the doctors pushed and prodded to get the baby out, I thought, what are they doing? The doctor kept saying, "He's a big one! He's a big one...whoops, she's a big one." At 8:16 PM my little baby girl was born. Healthy, 9 1/2 pounds and amazing.
Today she turns 19 and, thank God, she is still healthy, a little bigger than 9 1/2 pounds but more amazing than I ever could have imagined or wished she could be. She is talented, and beautiful, and caring and I couldn't ask for a better daughter if I had placed an order. She is a grown up, and it's hard for me to believe. It's also hard for me to let go, but I'm learning. She is my friend and many times in her 19 years she has been my savior. She believes in me, she encourages me and she never gives up on me. I am so blessed when many parents have either no relationship or worse yet a terrible relationship with their daughter, I have a friend. Happy birthday my sweet girl!

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