February, with its Valentines Day, is the love month. 16 years ago I was given an amazing gift, a precious little girl, who has taught me every day what love means. I have never met anyone with more compassion. Her wisdom seems to be light years ahead of her age. I have learned so many lessons from her. For as much as my oldest daughter looks like me, my baby
is me. We are so much alike, which also causes us to butt heads at times, but even though we both dig our feet in, we respect the other's opinion, and she has won me to her side more times than I'd care to admit. She's smart and talented and beautiful inside and out. I want so much for her. I want her dreams to come true, and I want her to never feel the pain of loss or suffer a broken heart, but I also know that is impossible, and in her short sixteen years she has already had her share of hurt, as she feels empathy like no one I have ever seen. People often made comment when both my girls were little about how well behaved they were, and how
lucky I was. It is not luck. All I can say is if I have played any part in contributing to what she has become, I am the lucky one.
I have never been a mom who buys tons of cards or writes little notes of encouragement except for the occasional
I Love You on your school lunch napkin. I speak my mind. I say what I feel in the moment, and I hope I have let her know over these past 16 years how much I love her, how I will always be there for her, and even if I don't agree with her, I will support her, that I trust her and admire her, and wish many times I was more like her. This is my birthday card to you, sweet girl. Enjoy this birthday and I hope that all your dreams come true!! And even if they don't, I know that you will handle whatever life deals you with grace and the faith to get you through. I read this quote on your status update a few days ago, and it speaks volumes about exactly who you are. How eloquent you are.
We have no idea what is ahead of us, we take it as it comes. Even when we get stuck in a moment when we feel like there is no possible way we could go on, the love of the Lord gives us hope to face another day. For his plans for us are greater than the dreams we have lost."
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