Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I've held my tongue long enough!

In the past few weeks I have watched, disgusted at what my state is doing to women's rights. I have been embarrassed as the state of Virginia is called out on National television by comedians like Jon Stewart of the Daily Show and Amy Poehler and Seth Myers on SNL I have seen the pictures and videos on Facebook of the deployment of the S.W.A.T. team to a peaceful protest, and candlelight vigil. It was surreal to me as I watched State Troupers pick up and forcibly remove men and women from the state capitol steps because they were....wait for it...SITTING! (Insert Gasps and Shrieks of horror here) I have posted a comment here and there. I have changed my profile picture to a Bumper Sticker that says, "MY BODY! MY CHOICE!" I have signed petitions, but I have not stated my opinion here. Well, that's about to change. To quote Bette Davis, "Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night!" The impetus for this change? Something I just read on Facebook on the WRIC-TV8 page: Why are you on the pill?  Businesses in Arizona may soon be able to ask female workers that question and deny them contraception coverage. At least it's not Virginia this time.
First, I know that these are all very sensitive and emotional issues, especially the issues that surround abortion. I am not PRO-abortion. No one is PRO-abortion. No one is standing on the street encouraging people to get abortions. I resent that label and always have. I am PRO-choice, meaning, it is my choice, your choice, anyone's choice what they do with their body. It is not for me or any employer  or congressman, or senator or delegate to judge or tell anyone whether or not they can have an abortion. The only exception to this rule, in my opinion, would be if my doctor knew that having that procedure would endanger my life.  No one knows but that WOMAN what she is going through. Am I saying that all abortions performed are necessary? No, I'm saying, that's not up to me to judge. People will deal with their own choices. Every choice has a consequence. 
To the lovely legislators in Arizona: What the hell is wrong with you? I know what some of you are saying, "Why should the employer or insurance benefit provided by the employer pay for contraception if it is not being used for a medical reason?" To those people, I say, WAKE UP!!!! Get your head out of....the sand!   Let's say this law passes. Jane Doe works in Arizona. She is called into the office by her boss one day. Are we discussing her stellar performance, her punctuality, the way she makes coffee? No, Jane is being asked why she is taking Birth Control Pills. Jane, not wanting to lie, answers as honestly as she can. Jane is taking birth control to make sure she doesn't get pregnant until she is ready to have a child. Her boss replies to this statement by telling Jane that her insurance will no longer cover the cost of her birth control pills. Jane leaves the office dismayed. Flash Forward nine months: Jane has a baby. Her employer has paid, at this point, according to Pregnancy Weekly, anywhere from $6,800 to $10,600. This doesn't include paid maternity leave for Jane. Let's do the math, shall we? Even the most expensive pack of pills, let's say $150 per month, would have cost $1800 for a year. They could have paid for pills for almost 4 years before they reached the lowest end of the cost of pregnancy. I was always pretty good in math, but any dummy can see that the Birth Control Pills are cheaper for the company. 
Call me crazy, but this seems all about judgement and shame to me. I'm sure that everyone in this country is having sex for procreation purposes only. Yeah, right! If you believe that, there's a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you. Why are we going backwards? It scares me, and I don't scare easily. It makes me wonder what life will be like for my two daughters as they grow into adulthood. If we continue down this path, this line of thinking, it will be a very scary life indeed.

1 comment:

  1. yes please think of the unborn child,
    or child must fend for itself
    we love em all till they are born, then let the mama and dada pay for the child in every way, and then so many babies, why? what do you do?
    we don't want to help people who need the help? we think as long as they are in the womb, it is sacred, but not after?
    no speller here
    just basic comon sence ,
    save the baby till it's born, then forget it?
    dumberr than sheitttt!


I Am One of the Parasite Class

  I have been silent for a while. Partly because I was busy with a show, but also there is so much to write about, where do I start? I have ...