Tuesday, May 29, 2012

♪♫ Could it be? Yes it could! Somethin's comin'. Somethin' GOOD! ♫♪

Back at the end of March I wrote a post about my oldest auditioning for the theatre program at one of the two colleges she had been accepted to for the fall of 2012. The following is an update to all things college that have happened since then. If you read the post, you know that I was not able to take that trip with my daughter to that audition. Working in College Admission myself, I was anxious to hear her impression of the school. She really didn't say much at all. This worried me a bit because having talked to thousands of students and their parents over the last 7 years, I knew that if the fit is right, most students fall in love with the campus as soon as they arrive. They just feel "at home" I didn't get that vibe from her at all. I began to ask questions about the visit. Much to my surprise, my daughter told me that the tour guide spent more time bashing things about the school than talking it up. I was shocked! That would never happen where I work! I also knew my daughter was reluctant to say too much to me because she knew that this was the only school, at this point, where we had tuition exchange. Money was not an issue with this school, so she didn't want to tell me that she didn't want to go there. Yeah, I've raised one of those kids. We waited for about two weeks, and on the last day of spring break, she received information from the school that she had not made it into their theatre program. She was actually relieved because she really didn't want to attend there. I, however, was devastated. I felt like last year was playing out all over again. We were back to all our eggs in one basket again.   We still hadn't heard from the other tuition exchange school. We were supposed to know by the 15th. It was the 13th. I took a chance and called the college. I was put through to the very nice person in charge of tuition exchange. She looked up the account and the next words were music to my ears, "I don't know why she hasn't received a letter. I'm showing here that she received tuition exchange." I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Being the way I am, I clarified before I hung up, "So you're saying she has tuition exchange?" "YES!," was the answer that came back. My daughter was not at the house when I made the call. She was out with a friend. As soon as she walked in the door, I told her the news. She was ecstatic! the first time I'd seen her that way about college since she got accepted to the school last year that we couldn't make happen. It was a GREAT feeling to see her so excited! Fast forward about 6 weeks: We just returned Saturday from a trip to see the college that she will be attending in the fall. It was beautiful! The campus is small, but very welcoming and scenic. I loved it, but more importantly she did! Their theatre program is ranked in the top 10 in the US, and she will be able to audition for any shows as early as the Spring semester of her freshman year. The entire pre-college experience has been very positive and welcoming. This institution really seems to care about their students, and that's what I'm looking for. So, that "plan" seems to be falling into place just as my girl knew it would all along. In 71 days, I will be on the road to move my little girl into her college dorm, her home for the next 4 years. Am I ready? No, I don't think I'll ever be ready, but I am excited for her and what the future holds for her, and I am certain that this college is the first leg on the journey that was always meant to be!

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