Monday, June 4, 2012

Give my Regards to Broadway!

Back in January of 2011, I wrote a blog post about a very special young man that I had the fortune of performing with back in the spring of 2003. That young man was Zak Resnick. The subject of that post dealt with the fact that he was going to be on American Idol. He didn't make it through the Hollywood cuts. Now, let me interject here that I don't put a lot of stock in American Idol. We all know that Reality TV is not really reality. Wow! That's a lot of "R's" American idol is not based on talent alone. If it was, Zak would be in the Top 10 if not your next American Idol, but I digress. Hollywood's loss was Broadway's gain. Tonight Zak debuts on Broadway at the Winter Garden Theater as "Sky" in Mamma Mia! Now, I'm sure some of you are thinking, "Wow! He's lucky!" Honey, luck had nothin' to do with it! Well, maybe a little luck, but mostly, I think, it had to do with Zak's awesome talent and his persistence and determination to live his dream! I have never seen anyone work any harder at getting himself out there. All of us actor types can take a page out of the Zak Resnick manual on how to make it in the Biz. I couldn't feel any prouder than if he were my own son. I know this is just the tip of his career iceberg. No one deserves it more. Zak, all your hard work has paid off, and tonight you fulfill your dream. Enjoy it! Revel in it! and know that all of us are so thrilled for you! I wish I could be there! I know the audience will fall in love with you as we all have! Break a leg!

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