Tuesday, September 18, 2012

One Bad Apple

It seems that one of the hot button issues of this election is a class issue: Who's on the side of the middle class? Who's on the side of the rich? With Social Media, it is no secret how a lot of people feel. My news feed is clogged with postings of how people feel about THEIR candidate. I don't talk much about politics, and I have tried not to make this blog about it. This post will be no different than any other post. I have seen something that has inspired me to tell how I feel. Something has pushed my buttons, and I have to react. Tonight a friend posted something she had seen on Facebook along with her comment of how unfunny she thought it was. It was a phrase that attempted biting humor, and it took a crack at the welfare system, and all the people who use it.
When I read this, I was offended. Why? Because I am one who has received a welfare check and food stamps. I do not drink beer or smoke crack. And I have to say, that every time I went to the grocery store and used the food stamps, I was embarrassed. BUT, if I had not had the welfare system to rely on when I was left with nothing, my kids and I may have starved or been out on the street. Am I saying that the welfare system is perfect? No, far from it, but, just because some people take advantage of the system does not make every person that uses it the low class thug that is being described in the picture above. I don't have all the answers, and I am not trying to tell anyone how to vote. What I am saying is that we need to stop judging each other and stereotyping each other and spewing hate. Until we start working together, it won't matter who wins in November.

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