No, not the magazine! It's a weird age, isn't it? You're not sweet sixteen anymore, and you have a whole year until you're a legal adult. Today, 17 means something very special. For today my baby girl turned 17. 17 years ago today with at least 2 feet of snow on the ground, I made a trip to the hospital to have my baby. She was supposed to be delivered by C-section on Groundhog Day, February 2nd, but since they were calling for even more snow, my doctor wanted to bump it up a day so he could get out of town. And so, the blizzard of 1996 became a very special time for me because it brought me my precious baby girl. Georgi's and my relationship is a special one! Perhaps that is because we are so much alike or it could be that I have been the only parent she has ever lived with. She was only 2 when her father left, and because of that, she has no memory of having a "dad" in the house at all. I have never remarried, and so it has remained that way for the last 15 years. I have been Mom and Dad. Georgi has always been the one to challenge from the time she was small. She was the free spirit. She is the epitome of asking forgiveness instead of permission. With all of that she has grounded me more times than I can say. She has been the voice of reason so many times when I had lost sight of what was really important. She has sacrificed, given up and gone without and never complained. When most kids are saying, "I want it", she's saying, "I don't need it!" It amazes me! I truly cannot believe how blessed I am. How is it that God picked me to raise this wonderful human being. For the past six months Georgi and I have pretty much been on our own as her sister left for college last August. I wasn't really sure how that was going to go. I mean, it's always been the three of us, but I am savoring every minute of "alone" time with my baby. Don't get me wrong! We miss her sister immensely, but our relationship has deepened and grown as we discuss our thoughts and feelings on everything! I recently started working with a new colleague, and in our conversations I have mentioned the different things that Georgi and I talk about and share. She said, "I don't think you know how lucky you are that you have that kind of relationship with your girls. I think it's rare." I suppose it is which makes me cherish it all the more. Georgi, you're my daughter, and I love you. That goes without saying, but you are so much more than that to me. You are an awesome woman with feeling and compassion for others. You're forgiving and level headed and strong and so smart about the things in life that really matter. I see so much of myself in you, but you are already 10 times the woman now than I ever hoped to be. I love you hug you more than bunnies! Happy Birthday!
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