Sunday, December 15, 2013

Some Days Are Hard

Anyone who knows me or reads this blog with any regularity knows that I am an actor. I relish in being on stage and performing. I have been blessed to have been able to work pretty consistently since I started over 40 years ago, and in this past year I have stayed busier than usual. Right now I am doing a Christmas show, and I am very thankful because singing those Christmas songs for audiences night after night is helping fund a nicer Christmas for me and my girls. All is well, right? Wrong! When you are in a family of performers, as all 3 of us are, sometimes things conflict. Today was one of those days. It is very hard to be an actor and a mom. Ever since I became a single parent when my girls were 2 and 5, I have tried to be at every event in their lives. Every field day, school play, awards assemblies, winter and spring programs and chorus concerts. Most of the time I have made it. I can think of one other thing I missed, my oldest daughter's dance recital, but I did see the dress rehearsal. I missed that because of performing too. Today I missed my baby's final high school Christmas chorus concert because I was on stage myself 45 minutes away. She, of course, was very understanding and knows it was unavoidable, but it still didn't make it any easier for me that I missed my girl as she sang at her final Christmas concert. I will see a DVD, but it's not quite the same thing. I was not there to yell as she finished and clap louder than any other person. So today I write this to tell her how much I love her and I know that she rocked today! And to let her know how very grateful I am that she is so supportive
of my life in the theatre. I love you sweet girl! Thanks, as always, for understanding!

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