Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Forgive and Forget?

So, it's been quite a while since I penned anything for this blog, but I read something today that has got me a little riled. A local pastor was indicted by a Texas Grand Jury last September on two counts of aggravated sexual assault on a child younger than 14 and  two counts of indecency with a child.  If you read the article it goes into detail of the nature of the charges. Personally, they make my skin crawl! But that isn't what made me want to write today. A local church (not the church where he was pastor, he resigned from there) has a flyer advertising their Good Friday service. At the bottom of the flyer it lists, along with photo, several pastors who will be speaking, and smack dab in the middle is the grinning face of  Pastor Pedophilia. Why, you may ask? That is my question! Not just why is he preaching? Why is he out on bond? He was arrested last May. And why is he allowed to be here in Virginia when he is awaiting trial in Texas for his disgusting behavior? And, ultimately, who in their right mind would ask him to preach in front of a congregation? If I were a betting woman, I would say, given that it's Good Friday, there will be some grandiose confession and a message about how Jesus dies for ALL. For all you Christians ready to pounce on me right about now, let me say this. Yes, I believe, as a Christian, that Jesus did die for all. We are all redeemed by the blood of the lamb and forgiveness is there for anyone, and I do mean anyone, that truly repents. However, that does not mean that we should be placing these people in front of the masses to "share the good news." I am not exactly sure why he is still free, but if convicted he will be behind bars for the rest of his life. So, while we've got him, let's let him lead a flock....NO!!! The article further states that after his resignation, the board discovered that he had "multiple extramarital affairs" with church members and people in the community. Wow! What an upstanding guy! I am sick and tired of people hiding behind the robes of Jesus to excuse their abhorrent behavior. And people wonder why the church gets a bad rap. Should we forgive? That's what the Bible says, but I haven't seen any repenting.

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