Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tonight I Am Sad

There is a song from Wicked that as soon as I hear the first few notes of the introduction, I start to cry. The song is For Good. The beginning lyrics from that song come to mind tonight. They are: "I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason bringing something we must learn, and we are led to those who help us most to grow if we let them." This afternoon I found out that a wonderful man from my church passed away on Monday. He had been sick for some time, but he was still very young, only 61. His name was Rick Riviere, and the reason he "came into my life" was because he was my daughters' Sunday School teacher. I can count the times on one hand that we actually had a lengthy conversation, but in those few times he made a huge impression on me. He was that kind of person. You knew that every word he spoke to you was sincere and the truth. Both of my daughters adored him as a Sunday School teacher. His concern and passion for sharing his faith with young people was evident. I know he made an impact on my girls! Today, I was sitting in my office at work, and the news came by email. When I read it, I began to cry. And as most of us do when we lose someone we begin to think of the connection we had with them and the memories we share with them. This situation was no different, and as I rode home from work, I thought of another song by Ray Boltz called Thank You, and the tears started again. The particular verse that I thought of goes like this:  
"He said friend you may not know me now
And then he said, but wait
You used to teach my Sunday School
When I was only eight
And every week you would say a prayer
Before the class would start
And one day when you said that prayer
I asked Jesus in my heart

Thank you for giving to the Lord
I am a life that was changed
Thank you for giving to the Lord
I am so glad you gave"

Rick, I know that there are lines of people all around you right now thanking you for changing their life. I know you changed mine.

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