Friday, July 17, 2015

What Have We Become?

I read a headline today, and it disgusted me! "Man Arrested for Filming Fatal Car Crash Instead of Helping" I clicked on the link to read the article as many times there's more to the story than meets the eye. As I read, I was shocked and then saddened. He did not just stand across the street and film it, which would have been bad enough. He actually walked up to the crash, opened the back door and leaned in to film the two badly injured teenagers, one who later died, and then walked around the front of the car to film. He was obviously there before rescue was on the scene. But, wait, there's more. He then tried to sell the footage. How can someone have such a lack of compassion? No matter what led up to the crash, the man is heard saying on the film that the boys are idiots, no one deserves to die. The point is not whether this jerk could have helped. It is that he didn't even try and goes a step further and films their pain and suffering hoping to yield a profit from it. As a society have we become so self-centered, so apathetic that we have lost all concern for our fellow human beings? I know this ass doesn't represent all men, but he represents too many for my comfort. Because we live in a world of snapchats, tweets and instagram, photos and videos are posted for the world to see seconds after they happen. There is no editing of what content is posted, what is said, or seen. This man did post his video to Facebook. I don't know how many friends he has or how many times it was shared, but wrap your head around this. He filmed a boy dying and posted it for entertainment or shock value or whatever the hell. I would hope and pray that if that had been my daughters in that car that someone would help them, at the very least call 911, not film their pain and suffering. I'm not much for using this word, but nothing fits but this in this scenario. He is one sick f*ck!
Why do we show so little concern for our fellow man? I feel bad when I hit a bird who waited too late to fly away. I certainly couldn't stand idly by while two young people were badly hurt and bleeding, let alone film them. The thing that really scares me? What will the world be like in 10 years? Hell, 5 years. What will we have evolved into by then?

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