Thursday, September 24, 2015

23 Years.....How did we get here?

In about 5 minutes, it will be September 24th. This is the day that my oldest girl was born. 23 years ago at 8:16 pm the doctor said,"She's a big one!," and just like that I became a mom of a very healthy almost 10 pound baby girl. We were old fashioned and didn't find out the sex of our baby before we had her. I secretly wished for a girl,and was thrilled when I realized I had a daughter. We have been through so much in these last 23 years. As I write this I realize that this will probably be the last birthday that Leah lives with me or even near me. She will graduate from college this year, and head out into the world to pursue her dreams of becoming an actor. I want that for her. It's all she's ever wanted,much like me, but I did not pursue those dreams, not as my life's work anyway. It doesn't make it any easier to let her go. This isn't going to be a long post.I've shared all of the cute little things she used to do, and all the hopes I have for her. More than anything I want her to know that I love her, and I have all the faith in her.These are the reasons I have always been truthful with her, even when the truth hurt.I hope that she knows that it is my love that causes that. No matter what happens my sweet girl,I will always be here. I would like nothing better if I could keep this baby bird in my nest, but I know that without letting you leave the nest, you will never be able to fly. Always remember this as hard times come your way,and they will, there's that honesty. "What if I fall? Oh,my dear,what if you fly?" Happy Birthday! My love always!!! Mommy

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