Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Entertaining Angels Unawares

In about a week from now, hopefully, I will be out of surgery and into recovery, perhaps even in my hospital room in the ICU. I am not nervous now. I know I am in good hands, and I trust my doctor. I can’t tell you how I’ll feel when I leave before dark next Tuesday morning to head to the hospital for the procedure. I have already had a major outpouring of support including some of you who read this blog. Medically, I know I will be fine. I have faith that all will go well. What I am worried about is finances, specifically the cost of all of this and what my insurance WON’T pay, and losing income as I stay home to recover. I had to go in to have all of my pre-op testing done this morning, and when HCA called to schedule, they asked me if I would like to take care of the $500.00 deposit they would require over the phone. I declined, knowing full well they would ask for it this morning, I was a little nervous. It’s embarrassing to tell people you don’t have money. I mean, it’s not like this is elective surgery. Have the tumor removed or go blind. Kind of a no-brainer, no pun intended. So today when I went in, I had 2 scenarios in my head. 1. I will offer them $50.00 and hope they take it or 2. I will cause a scene and tell them that if I walk out of here and drop dead because I have an aneurysm, it’s on them. Luckily, I did not have to employ either of these. I had a wonderful woman named Dee register me today. She asked the obligatory question, “Would you like to take care of the $500.00 deposit today?” I replied, “I don’t have it.” She never missed a beat, and said, “That’s all right. I do see that your surgery is in a week, they will require that it’s paid before they do the procedure.” She then handed me a business card and told me that if I thought the $500.00 would be a problem, I could call and make an arrangement. I instantly felt a peace about everything. She then proceeded to talk about the fact that she knew very few people who could sit down and write out a $500.00 check, thereby making me feel less embarrassed and more normal. Dee was my angel today. I firmly believe that I was called to her booth because God knew I needed her gentle spirit and demeanor today in my situation. I will call, and I will make arrangements, and because Dee guided me today, I will not have the added anxiety of money when I go to have brain surgery next week. So, thank you, Dee, and thank you, God, for sending an angel my way.

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