Sunday, November 1, 2015

Best Birthday Present EVER!!!!

Yesterday was my 52nd birthday. Yes, it was also Halloween.Growing up with a Halloween birthday and having a flair for the dramatic made every birthday party a dream. Of course they were always costume parties. As  I grew older, each year became a challenge as to what my costume would be. Consequently, as I grew older, and had children it became about the perfect costumes for them. To say we love Halloween in this house is an understatement. We start planning next year's costume almost as soon as the last trick-or-treater has left the house.  This year was no different. We started planning early and had a theme. Then something happened. Surgery was going to change my Halloween and birthday plans this year. I didn't get to dress up. I didn't get to go out. I couldn't even put fun make-up on because of the swelling in my lips and nose. You know what? It was still a great birthday! My youngest spent all morning decorating the house. I had a visit from one of my very best friends. Topping it all off, strawberry shortcake for my birthday.
Those are not the reasons this birthday is different than any other. At the risk of sounding corny, this year I got the best gift I have ever received. I got my sight back and maybe my life. Not a bad trade for not being able to dress up. I'll take it!

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