Saturday, December 3, 2016

Light in the Dark

December, the month where rushing is the norm, and cramming everything into a very small schedule we find that certain things we intended to do fall by the wayside, victims to time. Case in point, this blog post. I had fully intended to write 1 blog per day in December, my own advent calendar, if you will. As you can see by today's date, December 3rd, I am already 2 days behind. Victim #1: Blog Post Perpetrator: Time. So.....I am changing gears to a more realistic goal, once a week. My idea was to write a post each day up to and including Christmas Day to  thank the people who have made a difference in my life and helped me along in my journey to this point. I have had so many blessings in my life, sometimes disguised as heartache, sometimes blatantly obvious, but all have made me who I am. Disclaimer: There is no way I could write a blog post about every single person who has touched me in some way if I wrote from now until I die, so several of these will be about groups of people.
Post #1: Carla and Spencer Dillard
Carla and Spencer actually both went to high school with me, Spencer, a year older, Carla, a year younger. I knew who they were, but we really didn't run in the same circles. I didn't really get to know them until they joined my church after they were grown and married to each other. My then husband and I were youth group leaders, and Carla and Spencer signed on to co-lead with us. We wanted to re-vamp things, and they were right on board ready to jump in and participate in my sometimes, out there ideas. Carla was my savior, as she is an organizational wizard, and really could reign in my mile a minute, "Oh, we could do this, and this, and Oh, what about this?" We had and amazing group of kids that we all loved and they loved us. We watched them grow into adulthood right in front of our eyes, and I am sure, somehow, contributed to their spiritual upbringing. Those kids could not have had any better spiritual role models than Carla and Spencer. I know, because they were mine.
When my marriage of 15 years blew apart, and I was left to raise a 2 and 5 year old, both of them were right there with me. Carla even watched my youngest as I had to return to work. More than what they physically did for me, they were there for me emotionally. They are both the type of people that you can count on to tell you the truth, no matter what, even if the truth hurts, and that is so important to me. They are both ordained ministers now, and I believe answering their true callings in life. They are truthfully two of the best people I know, and I wanted to tell them that. In this world of lies and deceit, I know I can always turn to either of them and get a straight answer, and the guidance I sorely need to be on the right path. We're here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark. 
― Whoopi Goldberg 
Thank you, Spencer and Carla, for throwing some of your torches my way!

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