Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Blurred Lines

Today is D-Day. It took place on June 6, 1944. I was not alive at that time, but countless people gave their lives that day so that I could live in freedom. We (America) went to war and attacked on the beaches of Normandy to rid the world of a very real threat. The Nazis were taking over Europe. I have posted this clip long ago, but it is worth watching again. It is the first part of Saving Private Ryan by Steven Spielberg. If you think war is just a video game, watch this. It will change your mind and your perception of what combat is like forever. (WARNING: Language and Violence)
When I think of what is happening in this country right now, I am so sad. What is going on right now is a slap in the face to these men who risked their lives to fight a very real enemy. An enemy we have let creep back onto our streets, OUR STREETS, the streets of America. Hell, on the college campus not an hour away from my front door, people marched through the streets with NAZI flags and chanting Nazi slogans, and the president did not speak out against them. When did the line become so blurred of right and wrong, between the good guys and the bad guys? How can we spit in the faces of these men who literally walked into a massacre on Omaha Beach by even entertaining the thought that Nazis are on the side of what's right? Do you want to tell them or their descendants that they died that day for nothing because really the Nazis aren't so bad. I don't. How long are we going to let this go on?  “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke. 

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