Tuesday, September 24, 2019

You're Gonna Make it After All

When I was a kid, there was a sitcom on called The Mary Tyler Moore Show. It was about a young single woman moving away from the comfort of her home to the "big city" to live on her own and all the situations she encountered as she lived her life. The opening sequence shows her leaving her hometown, the goodbyes, and then a shot of her driving her fully loaded car away into the sunset off on life's journey. A little over a year ago, I watched a young single girl do the same thing, but this girl was my daughter, and she was off to New York City to chase the proverbial dream to be an actor. The beginning of the lyrics to the Mary Tyler Moore theme song are, "How will you make it on your own? This world is awfully big, girl, this time you're all alone." I have to be honest, as a Mom, I couldn't help but think about that and worry, but, boy, has she proven me wrong! She loves the city! She has fallen into the rhythm, and seems she's been there all of her life. It helps that she's there with friends. So, this is the part where I thank all of her friends and roommates for making this adventure a little bit easier, for taking care of her and loving her, and being the arms around her because I can't reach that far. I am so proud of you "making it on your own!" The rest of the song goes like this, so take it as my wish for your life and your birthday as you turn 27 today and living life on your terms. Love you so much!!!! Happy Birthday.
Love is all around, no need to waste it,
You can have the town, why don't you take it?
You're gonna make it after all!

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