Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It May say Ukrops on the building, but..........

So, is it just me, or is it obvious that Giant/Martins has already taken over our precious Ukrops stores? I know the purchase went through on February 8, 2010, and I'm not exactly sure of the details of the transition. All the press releases have said late spring. Yes, they are still closed on Sundays, and there is no beer or wine within it's doors, but there are other things that have happened to me in a "Ukrops" in the last week that have burst my Ukrops, good customer service bubble.
The other day I was using the self-check-out,and no one was manning the register to clear computer errors. I thought if I heard, "unexpected item in the bagging area," one more time I would scream. Finally someone came over to fix it. And then today, I went in for dinner ideas. Ah, I see a sign in the meat case, "London Broil - 3.98 per pound." Good, I love London Broil. Oh, sorry, Terri, we don't have any. There was not one in the case.
So sorry, kids. The day is here. Ukrops is gone for good. :(
I'm not sure, but I even think my favorite Hot Cross Buns taste different.


  1. I will be happier to shop there if I can a) buy wine on b) a Sunday. I have noticed some of the cheer has left the associates already, though.

  2. I HATED it when Ukrops left Roanoke! Makes me sad every time I drive by the old store...and I really hate that they're sold and will be doing all the things Ukrops never did - sell beer and wine and open on Sundays. I always admired them for sticking to their principles. What a shame that's apparently a bad thing to do these days!

  3. WEll! I guess that decides it! I am canceling our tickets back to Richmond if there is no Ukrops! :-)
    @ Jannine, after living in Germany for 4+ years I have had to relearn my "nothing is open on Sunday!!" thinking...it is somehow relaxing to know that I do not have to go to any store on Sunday and that most likely I will survive till Monday. (there are emergency pharmacies open) You plan your life accordingly and most folks get the day off to spend as they like with out having to work in a retail store.

    It is truly a day of REST!


I Am One of the Parasite Class

  I have been silent for a while. Partly because I was busy with a show, but also there is so much to write about, where do I start? I have ...