Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A penny..Big Deal..How much can a penny do?

The answer....A LOT. On February 24, 2010, less than a week ago, a movement was started by 4 Moms in Henrico County called Pennies in Protest. They started the group as a positive answer to the HATE being spewed by a group that is coming to protest Jews and the Gay/Straight Alliance at Hermitage High School. Their thoughts were to make a plea for money to show love for these groups being protested rather than hate. Here's the twist, and this is the part that I absolutely LOVE. They are splitting all the money raised between the groups being targeted and...wait for it...here it comes....THEY ARE DONATING IT IN THE HATE GROUP'S NAME. Is that not priceless? In an interview last night on WWBT 12, a local NBC affiliate here in Richmond, one of the organizer's said that she was thrilled that these groups are getting all this money BECAUSE of the hate group coming here. So....thanks Westboro Baptist Church, you've just raised, at the typing of this post, over $8,000! Wow!!!! There is still time. Go to the website for Pennies in Protest and donate. They are taking money until March 3rd. LOVE CONQUERS EVIL! Doesn't that put a smile on your face?

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