Thursday, July 15, 2010

HEADLINE: Bluebird Search No Longer in Vain for JASON MARKS

A couple of posts ago I told you about one of my amazing, talented friends Jason Marks and his quest to win the "Big Broadway Break" contest. Well, we got the official word today. HE WON!!!!!!! I am so happy right now I could just bust!! I won't do that because it would be quite messy, so I will settle for smiling from ear to ear. Considering how big my mouth is, that is a lot of smiling. The only thing that would make me happier is if it were me, but it's not me, so all my major joy is channeled toward Jason and his very deserved win! Jason, now that you've caught the illusive rainbow, you'll have to change your tune to Zippity Do Da paying special attention to the lyrics, "Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder!" I am so proud to know you and to have worked with you, and I will miss you greatly!!!!! I can't wait for the day when I'm sitting around and saying to my friends, " Hey, you know the guy that's on Broadway right now in [Insert name of show here]. I know him!" CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!

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