Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I haven't blogged for a week. This, I suppose, is indicative of my life right now. Schedules are crazy! I am workshopping a new musical this summer ( I eluded to this several posts back in the entry entitled "I Really Need to Practice What I Preach"), and it opens in a week. More details about that in a post to follow. Today I just wanted to blog about something that happened to me the other day that I found incredulous and a bit amusing.
I usually leave my workplace for lunch everyday. I work in a space with no windows, and I just find it better for my mental health if I get away every day. I get an hour for lunch, and I usually run by some fast food place and grab lunch, so I have more time to enjoy it. This particular day, funds were a little short, so I decided to go to a fast food place fairly near my office to take advantage of their $1.00 double cheeseburger. Can't beat that, right? $1.00 for a double cheeseburger. I usually try to avoid this particular establishment because their Drive-Thru is a nightmare. It's one of those drive-thrus that can be approached from two different traffic directions, but I digress. I took a chance that they might not be as busy, and I would be able to get in and out easily. I pull in the parking lot. Ahhh, the line's not too bad, only 1 person in front of me. My turn to order comes, and the conversation takes place as follows:
Drive-thru Attendant: May I take your order?
Me: I'll have a double cheeseburger and a medium Coke.
Drive-thru Attendant: We don't have any meat today only chicken products.
Me: Seriously?
Drive-thru Attendant: Seriously.
At this point, I backed out of the Drive-thru and regretted the fact that I had not said to the attendant, "You do realize the name of your restaurant is BURGER King, right?" I can't say this for a fact, but I'm pretty sure if you're the manager of  a BURGER King and you forget to order, oh, I don't know, BURGERS, you're probably looking for another job. Call me crazy, but that seems like a pretty big error in judgement to me. So, if it happens, remember you heard it here first when you read the headline: BURGER KING CHANGES ITS NAME TO CHICKEN KING!

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