First let me say that lately, and I'm sure some of my Facebook friends that read this blog can tell from my status updates of late, that things just don't seem to be going my way. And, I am sad to say, I have let it spill over into everything, even the good parts of my life that are going right.
This morning after church the girls and I went to a local restaurant called Boychik's Deli. It's a great place for breakfast. The service is fast and good, and the food is great! On our way in we happened to run into one of the girls' former Sunday school teachers and his wife. As it so happens, they were going to the same place we were. We chatted a bit, and then went our separate ways to get a table in Boychik's. The girls and I ordered and enjoyed a great breakfast. When the waitress brought our food, she laid our check down on the table. Seconds later, another waitress came by the table and picked up the check. I chalked it up to a check mix up, and since we had just started our meal, I knew we would get the right check before we needed to go. When we were about 3/4 of the way through our meal, our waitress came to check on us, and told us that our check had been taken care of by a party up in the front of the restaurant. It ended up being the girls' Sunday school teacher. We were able to catch up with them in the parking lot to thank them.
I'm sure, to them, that was something very small, but it made a huge difference in my life today. It gave me a whole different outlook that there are good, decent people who care about other people in this world. Today someone thought about me. Someone did something nice for me, and they didn't expect anything in return, they didn't even wait to be thanked. They just did it because they wanted to and what an amazing effect it had .
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