Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Turn Around and You're 2, Turn Around and You're 4, Turn Around........

In about 7 hours, the first of many lasts this year will take place. My oldest daughter will begin her senior year thereby starting her last first day of school. 13 years ago I walked an excited little girl in a blue flowered dress and a brand new backpack down to the bus stop for her very first day of kindergarten. She was excited! I felt quite different. Oh, I kept a brave  face for her and kept that plastered smile on my face as she stood so small on what seemed an enormous bus and waved frantically at me grinning from ear to ear. I kept that smile until the door of the bus closed, and then I fell apart. I cried all the way back up the hill to the house. How is it that I remember that as if it were yesterday, and 13 years have passed? She will not be wearing a blue flowered dress tomorrow, and I will not have to hold her hand walking to the bus stop. She will leave the house and walk to school without assistance and the watchful eye of a mom who's not quite ready to let her baby go. I always knew this day would come, but WOW it came fast!!!!! Good luck, my sweet girl. You have turned into a wonderful young lady, and I am very proud. Enjoy your senior year and savor every moment. I know I will!

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