Thursday, March 24, 2011


The title of this post may be confusing, but years ago I worked in a Hallmark store that my parents owned. At that time Hallmark put out a line of cards called lite. They were printed on this brown recycled paper, and I loved them because they were filled with puns and corny jokes. When we would get a new shipment, I would stand over in the aisle unpacking them and laughing as I read each one. This one card we had had this message: On the cover: QQQQQQQQQQ On the inside: Ten Q very much!
Well I want to send out my 10 Q's. Tomorrow, bright and early at 6AM, my two girls will depart for New York City. Neither one of them have ever been and they are VERY EXCITED, and I am excited for them. Mostly I am excited because when this trip was proposed at the beginning of the school year, and I realized that I would need to raise $1600.00 for both of them to go, I thought, I am never going to be able to make this happen, and I just can't tell them, "No!" They've heard it too many times in their lives, and I want this one to be a "YES!" A trip to New York, and singing at Lincoln Center? It had to happen, and so the fundraising began. We sold "Enjoy the City" coupon books. One of my dear friends from New York actually said he'd by one. He thought it was an actual novel. No, I didn't take his money. Then we sold fruit and cheesecakes, Virginia Diner products,  next came cookies, and in the middle of all of it, I baked my famous carrot cakes, and started a mini business called 24 Carrot Cakes for the sole purpose of fundraising for the trip and baked 26 carrot cakes over the holidays, 15 of them for the week of Thanksgiving alone. Donations also came in from some very caring people, some I hadn't seen in years that I had reconnected with on Facebook. And I have to reserve one of the Q's for Facebook because it was integral in getting the message out that we needed help to get these girls to NYC. My friends, YOU ARE AMAZING!!!, and I am so thankful for all you have done to make this trip happen for them. I truly could not have done it without you, and I know that I am truly blessed beyond measure. Thank you for loving me and my girls enough to help. You have made two girls and their mama very, very happy!

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