Friday, June 3, 2011

Yep, she's mine!

Last night I sat in a very crowded, hot, sticky classroom. No, I was not in driving school for a speeding ticket. I was attending my daughter's performance in her Senior One Act. The Senior One Acts are something that her school does every year as an end of the year project for the Senior Drama IV students. They all pick a one act and cast and direct it. My daughter was in 3. She had done two the previous night, and last night was her final. She had told me about the other two, but not this one. It started off very funny, spit takes and all. The audience was laughing and seemed to be enjoying themselves. This was fun, light-hearted fare, and then something happened. I watched my kid stand up on that stage and deliver this incredibly touching, bittersweet monologue that had me in tears, not because I was proud, which I was, but because of the story she was telling. Because it was so hot and sticky in that room, the audience had been restless, but while she was delivering that closing speech, you could have heard a pin drop. When the play was over, a mother who was in front of me heard my conversation with my other daughter, and something I said indicated that I was Leah's mother. She turned around and asked if Leah was mine? I felt so honored to be able to say, "Yes, she is!" In that one moment, I realized, that I will be saying that for the rest of my life as I KNOW she will go on to do great things with her talent. This is her calling, this is her passion, and it shows. So indulge me as I do a little bragging, and I'll try not to beam too brightly the next time I say, "Yep, she's mine!"

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