Tuesday, January 3, 2012

50? Really?

Today my older sister turns 50. I cannot believe the years have flown by so quickly. It seems that only yesterday we were walking down the sidewalk on Kensington Avenue to our grandma and grandpa's house to spend the weekend playing outside or in the "family room", sleeping out on the enclosed back porch, riding our bikes down to Hanover Avenue and back or knocking on Debbie Reeson's door to see what mischief we could get in together or so the three of us could walk up to the Village to Roses to get some penny candy or a cherry or coke ICEE. I remember walking down the alley and being afraid of the big chow dogs thinking they were lions and swinging on the swing in Gram's backyard, well not always swinging sometimes twirling, remember? And speaking of twirling, remember the twirly chair? Lots and lots of childhood memories.
My sister and I could not be more different. I crave the spotlight, and she is more of a "behind-the-scenes" kind of gal. I am sure I have embarrassed her more than once, like the time when I was three and did the Hula at that lodge. We have gone through many things over the years. Like all sisters, we have had our disagreements and out and out fights, but I know that she is always there to lend an ear, a hand or a shoulder to cry on. She is fiercely devoted to her friends and a dedicated and loving mother, wife and daughter. She has a hard time saying "no" to anyone who needs her, sometimes when she has no more to give. She loves the sun, and her island get away each year to Aruba. I am sure if she had her wish she would live there all year long. I cannot grant that for you. If I could, I would, but for now just this little walk down memory lane, and my love. Happy 50th! Here's to 50 more!

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