Sunday, January 1, 2012

Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne - Days Gone By. 365 to be exact. 2011 brought many things to my life. Like most of you, some were great, some not so great. I said good-bye to my childhood home - bittersweet, watched my daughter graduate from high school - also bittersweet, see her accepted into her top choice school only to find out that moneys counted on weren't coming through - bitter, moved into my own place - sweet, watched my youngest achieve her choral dreams making two of the most coveted groups in her high school - really sweet. I wasn't on stage at all in 2011, which is pretty hard for me, but I did get an amazing opportunity to direct, a first for me, and I ended the year landing a fabulous role in a play for Barksdale Hanover Tavern, called "Always, Patsy Cline" which I will be doing for the first quarter of 2012.
If I had to pick one phrase to describe 2011, it would be "A Year of Change." Changes for me, my girls, my family, and last, but certainly not least, my health. As humans, we usually resist change. Change means the unkown, and usually we fear the unknown. Often times we stay in a situation that is much worse for us simply because it is what we are used to, and eventhough taking that step toward change would make our lives so much better, we hold back, we settle. If we settle for mediocrity too long or we allow our lives to become stagnant, life, itself, rebels and FORCES us to change. When we finally take those steps toward change, the journey is so exciting and the destination so much better, we can't believe we ever settled to begin with. I am not sure what 2012 will bring. I do know it is off to a great start. I ended 2011 as a working director, and I am starting 2012 as a working actor, and for this girl, and for this moment that's exactly where I want to be.

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