Tuesday, September 24, 2013

21: Today it means more than Blackjack!

Today is a huge day in my little family of three's life. Today, my oldest daughter, my firstborn turns 21. Yes, I know legally she has been an adult since age 18, but there was still some uncharted territory that she could not enter into legally, mainly consuming alcohol. Now, this is not going to be a post about the evils of demon rum, and I know that nothing was keeping her from imbibing before this day if she had wanted to at one of her college parties, but now that last little barrier is down, and LEGALLY, she can do anything she wants. She's not a kid anymore, and where the hell have 21 years gone? In my house, we are BIG Gilmore Girls fans! There is a character on the show, Lane Kim, the best friend of Rory Gilmore. Lane's mother is extremely strict! No rock music, no make-up, no dancing...you get the picture. Lane is a rebel, and lives a double life hiding contraband under the floorboards in her room, employing all kinds of schemes to date a boy she thinks will not gain her mother's approval until finally her secret life is revealed, and she moves out to live her life the way she wants. However when she finally ends up in a serious relationship and things are progressing the way most relationships do, she announces to her boyfriend, much to his shock and disappointment, that they have to be married. Later on she meets her mother on the street, and angrily she says to her, "You're in my head!" My little girl isn't a little girl anymore. She's away at college living her own life, and I am not there with that watchful eye to say, "No you can't do that!" or "As long as you're under my roof..." All I can hope is that "I'm in her head," and when she is faced with decisions big or small, she will think of all the conversations we've had, and the arguments and the advice I've given, yes, even sometimes unsolicited, and she will make the right choices. She will always be my little girl, but my role has changed. The raising part is done. She is on her own in the world. Ironic that we, as parents, spend all of our lives preparing them for this moment, and when it comes, all we want to do is hold on. Happy Birthday, sweet girl! I love you enough to let you go!

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