Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Follow Up on Mike

Yesterday I wrote a blog about how my pituitary tumor, christened Mike Wazowski by me, was not totally gone. I feel like there were some conclusions drawn because I was unclear. So, if I can't clear up my brain right now, I do want to clear up the understanding of what I'm experiencing and hopefully help others who are going through this. Let me say this right off the bat. THIS IS NOT CANCEROUS IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM!! Pathology was done on the original Mike, and he is benign. Also, from my understanding, this didn't grow back, it was leftover, so to speak. That doesn't mean it won't grow. That's what the follow up MRI's are for. Speaking of the MRI's, I do have insurance, and they are covered, but my cost is $750 at least, which, to me, might as well be the $2400 because I can't afford either. I am not worried! God has taken care of me to this point. He's not going to stop now. He has sent me a legion of angels in all of you, my friends and family. So if Mike is going to stick around, he's got a fight on his hands! Blessings and love to you all! ❤❤❤❤

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