Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Amazing World of the Bubble People

No, this is not the beginning of a science fiction novel. I had the day off of work on Friday, and as I was sitting in a restaurant, thankfully finished eating and getting ready to leave, in the booth behind me and my daughter, loud enough so that I could hear clearly, and I am sure, at least every booth and table in the immediate vicinity as well, the girl was speaking to the other girl who was with her. Now, that, in itself, isn't bad at all, but then I began to hear words and phrases that were less than appetizing, like "infection in the mucous" and "cleaning out wounds" and the more I could hear, the more shocked I became. My daughter and I could not get out of the restaurant fast enough, and I felt sorry for the people who were still held captive as she read her all too specific medical email to her lunch companion. I was appalled. As I walked to the car, I loudly asked, "What is wrong with people?" What is wrong with people? Each day I witness something so selfish or self-absorbed that I think, it can't possibly get any worse. We have become a society of Bubble People. Everyone operates as if they are in their own little bubble. They say what they want, do what they want, act how they want without a care or concern as to who they affect around them. It happens in restaurants, on the road, in theaters, waiting rooms, EVERYWHERE! A couple of years ago I sat in a doctor's waiting room hearing every detail of how this woman had discovered her husband was cheating that morning. I had nowhere to go. Nowhere to escape, much like the poor people in the restaurant who had to listen to stories of infection and mucous while they were trying to enjoy their chicken tenders or potato skins. I have wondered whether one day I will be shot coming out of a movie theater because I will shout out in a darkened theater to the rude ass who will not stop talking to SHUT UP! What has happened to modesty, discretion, decorum and just plain manners? I guess some people think  manners are old fashioned. I am not talking about using the right fork. I am talking about, as my grandmother used to say, minding our P's and Q's, being polite and kind to others. Thinking before we speak We need to return to a society that cares about each other, and not just for show. If it's a big cause with a telethon, we're all on board. We're good at the flashy, splashy caring. I'm just talking about the wave of the hand as a thank you when I let you into traffic. Now, I know there re plenty of caring people in the world.  I just wish the jerks weren't rolling over the rest of us! If you're with me people, let's start popping some bubbles!

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