Today is February 21st, and it marks the anniversary of a very dark time in my life. 12 years ago today my life was turned upside down when I found out my marriage of 15 + years was over. I know that you are probably wondering why I even remember that. Unfortunately, I couldn't forget the date if I tried. My memory is just like that. As Adrian Monk would say, "It's a gift and a curse." I have decided today to blog about the good things that have resulted because of that very bad thing that happened.
"Your life can stay exactly the way it is now. No change." or "Your entire life, as you know it, is going to be blown apart, but you will end up the better for it." If these two scenarios had been offered to me 12 years ago, I would have picked the first one without blinking. Fortunately, and, no, that's not a typo, fortunately, I didn't have a choice. Isn't it wonderful when you can look back and see the good that's come out of the bad? Darkness is good, for without darkness, there is no light.
I decided, today, to not dwell on the pain, but the triumph. No one would pick the life I had thrust upon me 12 years ago, but because I raised my girls alone from the ages of 2 and 5, we are as close, if not closer, than any mothers and daughters I know. I would not trade that for the world! Everyone comments how close we are, and how close they are to each other. We genuinely love each other, and people see that. I don't think we would have the same relationship with each other if I had chosen the path of least resistance. I am a stronger person and have more confidence in myself than I ever could have imagined. I am not afraid to be honest and stand up for myself and fight for what's right. I have no secrets, and most importantly, it has made my faith stronger and more genuine than it ever would have been. All of these things are results of the journey I've had to take. Every step on the path of our life's road makes us who we are. I won't lie, it's been a rocky one, it still is, but there is comfort in knowing you're on the right one.
Music is such a part of my life, so I will leave you with a song. I can remember as a child hearing the song Pennies from Heaven and thinking how odd it was. As an adult I heard a really great arrangement by Mandy Patinkin, and it was like I was hearing the lyrics for the first time. I couldn't find his arrangement, but here is the wonderful Bing Crosby. Listen again, for the first time. Thank you all my friends and family for being those Pennies from Heaven for me.
"Your life can stay exactly the way it is now. No change." or "Your entire life, as you know it, is going to be blown apart, but you will end up the better for it." If these two scenarios had been offered to me 12 years ago, I would have picked the first one without blinking. Fortunately, and, no, that's not a typo, fortunately, I didn't have a choice. Isn't it wonderful when you can look back and see the good that's come out of the bad? Darkness is good, for without darkness, there is no light.
I decided, today, to not dwell on the pain, but the triumph. No one would pick the life I had thrust upon me 12 years ago, but because I raised my girls alone from the ages of 2 and 5, we are as close, if not closer, than any mothers and daughters I know. I would not trade that for the world! Everyone comments how close we are, and how close they are to each other. We genuinely love each other, and people see that. I don't think we would have the same relationship with each other if I had chosen the path of least resistance. I am a stronger person and have more confidence in myself than I ever could have imagined. I am not afraid to be honest and stand up for myself and fight for what's right. I have no secrets, and most importantly, it has made my faith stronger and more genuine than it ever would have been. All of these things are results of the journey I've had to take. Every step on the path of our life's road makes us who we are. I won't lie, it's been a rocky one, it still is, but there is comfort in knowing you're on the right one.
Music is such a part of my life, so I will leave you with a song. I can remember as a child hearing the song Pennies from Heaven and thinking how odd it was. As an adult I heard a really great arrangement by Mandy Patinkin, and it was like I was hearing the lyrics for the first time. I couldn't find his arrangement, but here is the wonderful Bing Crosby. Listen again, for the first time. Thank you all my friends and family for being those Pennies from Heaven for me.
Hi Terri! found your blog today, i'm saving it with my favorites.