Tuesday, February 9, 2010

To sleep, perchance to......Nah, just to sleep.

I can't remember when I became a night owl. The very first time I ever stayed up all night, I think I was 10. It was a sleepover. Actually I think all this started when I found myself suddenly single after 15 years of marriage. I started a really bad habit of staying up until I was absolutely exhausted so that when I laid down I would pass out therefore avoiding thinking about my life and all the crap I was dealing with at the time. That was 13 years ago, and I still find myself staying up way too late. This would be fine if I was a comedian or a rock star and I could sleep all day. Alas, this is not the case, and I must rise everyday with normal Americans and function in the 9 to 5. Surprisingly, I seem to be able to pull this off....for now. I do wonder when all this will catch up with me. I really hope I don't wake up one day and find a 90 year old face looking back at 46 year old me from the mirror.

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