As much as I hate to admit it, I have a daughter who is almost 18 and will be a senior in high school come Fall. I know you are saying to yourself, Terri is too young! There is NO WAY she has an 18 year old daughter! Okay, so maybe you're not saying that, but humor me, huh? :) But I digress. Right now, as I type this, my daughter is at the kitchen table with a test booklet, an answer sheet, and a No. 2 pencil, taking a practice test for the SAT! Why, you ask, would someone put themselves through this on a lovely Saturday afternoon? Because next week at 8AM she will take the real thing.
We have been preparing for a couple of weeks. We have signed on to collegeboard.com and receive the SAT Question of the Day ( I answer them too. I haven't done too shabby, if I do say so myself, except for Geometry. I just skip those.) . We will grade this test and talk through the answers she misses today, hopefully not too many, and last, but not least, we will get a good night's sleep next Friday to be up bright and early and in enough time to eat breakfast next Saturday so that she can dive into the real thing prepared. It's amazing how much importance we, as a culture, place on these tests. They loom over us as the be all, end all, of our value to the Universities and Colleges we will choose to "accept" us. What they don't measure are things that, to me, mean so much more, individuality, character, compassion, strength. So what if you have a 470 in Math. You have an 800 in compassion. Don't get me wrong. I want her to do well but only because we need to meet a certain criteria for her to be where she wants to be for her college experience. BUT..... as far as Mom is concerned, she's got a perfect 2400 in everything that matters.