Friday, June 4, 2010

I Really Need to Practice What I Preach

God’s timing is an amazing thing! I can’t believe that after 46 years I still question why things happen the way that they do when I have been proven wrong time and time again that there IS a master plan for me. Now, if I would just get out of the way and let it happen. Ahhh….there’s the dilemma. We, as humans, are so darn sure that we have all the answers. We know what’s best, so we fret when things don’t go our way when often there is something much better waiting down the road for us. Helen Keller said, “When one door of happiness closes, another one opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the door which has been opened for us.” A truer statement was never made. Why this epiphany? Because, once again, I have been shown what was waiting for me, that there was a reason that things weren’t working out, and I was not getting what I wanted. God must look down on me sometimes and think, “Will you stop whining and just wait to see what I have planned? Sheesh!” I’m sure he’s really sick of hearing me say, “I don’t get it!” I talk a big game about faith. I need to practice what I preach more often. So, thanks, God, for once again providing me with that opened door and an opportunity to participate in something amazing this summer. (More details later) I promise to stop making my existence about staring at closed doors.

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