Wednesday, June 30, 2010

To Protect and to Serve

I remember as a child in elementary school getting a visit from the police officer. He was there to talk to us about safety, and warn us not to talk to strangers and to let us know that policemen were our friends. When my children went through elementary school they had a visit from the officer as well, but focus shifted to staying away from drugs and alcohol. Regardless of the focus we came away from those visits and talks knowing at least one thing, the men and women in the Police Department were there to protect us.
Through my teen and adult years I have had a fair share of interactions with the police, some I would have rather avoided, my two speeding tickets come to mind, but in all of the situations, even the speeding tickets, they were  respectful and courteous.
I have often wondered how someone can do that job knowing that every day there is the potential that you could be injured or worse killed. Yet, they are out there day in and day out doing their job so my family and I can be safe, safe on the road and safe in our home. Cops are so under appreciated and many people have this animosity towards them. Those two speeding tickets I got were absolutely deserved. I was speeding. Why am I going to be mad at someone else because of a choice I made? Seems sort of silly, doesn't it? This week is Police Officer Appreciation Week, so take a moment to think about the men and women who risk their lives daily so you can enjoy yours.

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