Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Throw the rulebook out the window!

It has arrived, that day in June that falls on the Wednesday after the girls get out of school, the day they leave for Choir tour. This is the second year that they are both on tour, leaving me with the house to myself. Now, at this point several of you, (listen to me, like I have a huge following who read this)okay, all eight of you are thinking, "WooHoo! Party time! A little time to myself!" In fact, when I tell people the girls are gone for a couple of days that is exactly the reaction they have. Well, sorry to disappoint, but it just ain't true! I hate this time, and I count every minute until they are back at home. Don't get me wrong.  I am excited for them, and glad they have the opportunity for ministry and fellowship and fun. I just miss them terribly!!!! I know I am breaking the ancient tribal code of conduct which states, "At no time will it be tolerated that teenagers and their parents have a civil relationship." Well, get over it, people. I not only have a civil relationship with them, we are actually friends, and not just friends, BEST friends. I know people think that's weird, and I have this to say to them, "Who cares what you think?!" I love my kids, and they love me, and I'm fine with that. Teenager rebellion, my parents are stupid, get the kids out of my hair rules be damned! We buck the system and we like it! Now if I can just last for another 82 hours and 11 minutes, but who's counting?

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