Thursday, November 4, 2010

Anything is Possible!

I haven't blogged in two weeks. Huge things are going on in my life. I feel like all I have been doing for the past two weeks is running from one place to another. Fixing this to make that right. I haven't stopped to think about anything. I'm just running on auto-pilot and hoping that the course will, once again, be smooth. Life is rushing by, and no matter how hard I try, I can't slow it down. Last Sunday I turned 47. I am 3 years away from being half a century old, and my life is not at all what I thought it would be.
If you have read this blog before, you know that from the age of three I wanted to be an actress. I was the kid who stood in front of the bathroom mirror and rehearsed my awards speech. I would be prepared when I won my Tony or Oscar or Emmy. I dreamt of getting the privilege to work with my idols, Ellen Burstyn or Alan Alda or Dustin Hoffman. I was going to make it! It's 2010 and I am a long way from that 10 year old looking back at me from the mirror making her acceptance speech. I also have not "made it." You see, I gave up on my "Passion". I let fear and doubt shake my faith that I had what it took to be one of the lucky few.
Now, before you get out the tissues to pass me for my pity party, I have had many blessings in my life. Not the least of which are my two AMAZING daughters that I may not have had if I had "made it." They both will make their mark in the world, and in that I will have "made it." But I haven't written this today to solicit pity or wallow in depression. I am writing today to encourage anyone to go after their "Passion" I have a motivational calendar at work. The month of November has a gorgeous picture of a tree that has turned a brilliant yellow in the peak of Autumn. In bold at the base is the word "PASSION" followed by this quote:
"There are many things in life that will capture your eye, but very few will capture your heart. These are the ones to pursue. These are the ones worth keeping." 47 isn't so old. I may just "make it" yet. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that I keep trying. Are you following your passion? What do you want to do, be?  Don't let life dictate your Passion. Let Passion dictate your life.

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