Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is this the way Paula Deen started?

Everyone who bakes or cooks in any way shape or form usually has a signature dish. It's the one thing that, when invited to a party of some sort, you are asked to bring. Well, I have had a few requested dishes in my time, my macaroni shrimp salad, my baked spaghetti, my pan-fried chicken, but the one thing I am always expected to make at the holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas both, is my carrot cake. I first baked this cake about 28 years ago, and I don't think I've missed a year since making at least one. It is a rich, moist cake full of texture with freshly grated carrots and, of course, it has cream cheese frosting made with real butter and real cream cheese (no cutting corners for me). Every time I bring it to a gathering, it's a hit. People always say, "That's the best carrot cake I've ever had," or "I don't usually like carrot cake, but that's really good." I even had a co-worker that wanted me to ship him one to South Carolina once he moved, and my sister will stage a coo if I don't bake one for  Thanksgiving and Christmas. Over the years I have toyed with the idea of selling them but never really did anything about it UNTIL I found out that my two daughters have a spring choral trip to NYC this year that is going to cost me $1600.00, $1600.00 that I don't have. So on November 10, 2010, I announced to the world via Facebook that I would be taking orders for carrot cakes for the holidays. I didn't know what to expect, and I was surprised when in about a week, I had 15 orders for Thanksgiving and thus 24 Carrot Cakes was born. I designed a logo, and I even have a slogan, "We only make 1 cake, because we make it the best!" I even set up an email account to do "business" 24CarrotCakes4u@gmail.com. Today I am down to the final 2 to be picked up. The whole adventure has been a little overwhelming. 1) It's hard to run a small side business when you have a full time job, and 2) I need to beg the services of a mathematician because I suck at converting measurement to purchase the right ingredients for multiple cakes, hence several trips to the store instead of ONE. So what began as a resource for a spring trip may turn into something bigger, and, who knows, by this time next year, everyone might be asking for my signature dish.

1 comment:

  1. way to go. what an endeavor. I'm glad is "panned" out. lol!


I Am One of the Parasite Class

  I have been silent for a while. Partly because I was busy with a show, but also there is so much to write about, where do I start? I have ...