Thursday, October 25, 2012

It was a dark and stormy night......

From the time I was very little I have kind of always been fascinated with the SUPERNATURAL, the UNEXPLAINED. Now, before my friends that read these posts that are Christians freak out and think I am talking about the occult or  black magic, no, I have not become a devil worshiper  I am still a Christian. I have a very strong faith. I happen to believe that this fascination can coexist with my deep faith. I have always liked, for lack of a better term, "Ghost Stories" I am not sure why I have this fascination. Perhaps it is because I was born on Halloween. It really doesn't matter, I have always been curious about ghosts and haunted houses, dreams that come true, clairvoyants, psychics, you name it. A friend of mine posted on Facebook that he was writing a blog about one of Virginia's oldest theaters and the "ghost stories" surrounding it. It got me to thinking. What a cool idea, and thus, this post. So, what I would like to create with this entry is a virtual campfire where we all sit around and tell "Ghost Stories" Not the Jason of Friday the 13th fame kind of story. I want to hear your real encounters, those strange things that happened to you that you can't explain, that you long filed away telling yourself there was a logical explanation, but secretly knowing that was a lie to make yourself feel comforted.
I'll start. When I was 10 years old, I was doing a show at a local theater. Theaters are notorious for having hauntings associated with them, but at age 10, I didn't know this. Later I would find that this theater did have a ghost, but when I had my encounter, I didn't know anything about it, so, all of you who are saying right now that I let my imagination get the best of me, I'm shooting a hole in that theory. There was a flat on the set that had a door in it that opened and closed. During the show, it would never stay closed. No matter how we tried to fix it, it would always drift open. I was crossing backstage behind that door, and someone grabbed my waist. I turned immediately, but no one was there. I thought it was odd, but I wasn't really scared until I walked back by the same place on my way back and whatever grabbed me, now pushed me, not hard, not a knock me to the ground push, more of a nudge, I guess, but definitely something physical. You guessed it. When I turned around, no one was there. I high tailed it back to the dressing room. Once I shared my experience, the stories just flowed about the theater's other worldly resident.
What's your story? If you would be so kind as to share by posting in the comment field of this blog, we can all share in the scare.

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