Wednesday, October 17, 2012

VA Lottery Commercial: Take 3

Well, I heard. I was not cast as a Principle in the commercial. Cue muted trumpet: ♪♫ Wah, wah, wah ♫♪ Oh, well, you win some, you lose some. The good news is that they did ask me to be a "Background Artist" which is apparently the new term for "Extra" I still get paid, and I get to work with a new group of people in a new genre for me. Anyone who is in this crazy business called show business will tell you that a huge amount of it is making connections, who you meet, work with, get your face in front of. You never know who will see you, and even though you're not right this time, if they are impressed with you, you might be perfect next time. So Friday, I will show up at the shoot bright and early, and play for the day with the VA Lottery folks. Sounds like a great way to spend a Friday to me!

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