Random thoughts, feelings, emotions, rants....and anything else that comes to mind.
Friday, December 30, 2016
An After Christmas Gift
There are only 3 more performances of A Christmas Story. Get a ticket....if you can!
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Light in the Dark
Post #1: Carla and Spencer Dillard
Carla and Spencer actually both went to high school with me, Spencer, a year older, Carla, a year younger. I knew who they were, but we really didn't run in the same circles. I didn't really get to know them until they joined my church after they were grown and married to each other. My then husband and I were youth group leaders, and Carla and Spencer signed on to co-lead with us. We wanted to re-vamp things, and they were right on board ready to jump in and participate in my sometimes, out there ideas. Carla was my savior, as she is an organizational wizard, and really could reign in my mile a minute, "Oh, we could do this, and this, and Oh, what about this?" We had and amazing group of kids that we all loved and they loved us. We watched them grow into adulthood right in front of our eyes, and I am sure, somehow, contributed to their spiritual upbringing. Those kids could not have had any better spiritual role models than Carla and Spencer. I know, because they were mine.
When my marriage of 15 years blew apart, and I was left to raise a 2 and 5 year old, both of them were right there with me. Carla even watched my youngest as I had to return to work. More than what they physically did for me, they were there for me emotionally. They are both the type of people that you can count on to tell you the truth, no matter what, even if the truth hurts, and that is so important to me. They are both ordained ministers now, and I believe answering their true callings in life. They are truthfully two of the best people I know, and I wanted to tell them that. In this world of lies and deceit, I know I can always turn to either of them and get a straight answer, and the guidance I sorely need to be on the right path. “We're here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark.”
― Whoopi Goldberg
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Not What I Expected
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
What've They Got That I Ain't Got?
“Bravery is a willing decision to do what must be done. Fear is a cancer that is cured only by doing what must be done, backed by an intelligent, open mind.”
― Corey Aaron Burkes
There is no choice in this matter. What is the use in worrying? I have friends and family and even strangers who are praying for me and surrounding me with light and love. What could be better? I have a faith that God will take care of me in His way as He sees fit, and who am I to question His motives? Do I want to do this again? Am I happy about it? Make no mistake on how I feel about that one. No, I do not want to do it again! But I am, and that's really life, isn't it, doing things we don't want to do because they have to be done mixed with things that bring us joy? Whatever you are facing, big or small, find your courage in knowing it has to be done and moving forward. And do not compare your problems with others. Suffering is relative. The next time someone tells you, "It could be worse," or "At least it's not______." Smack them in the mouth, well, maybe just smile and say, "You're right," while envisioning smacking them in the mouth. Just because someone else is going through something worse than you are, does not make you feel better. You have the strength to get through. A little worse for the wear on the other side, but also wiser, and better for getting through it. See you on the other side.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
And So, Here I Am Again.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
24 on the 24th
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Mike's "Cysta" is Already a Problem Tennant
Friday, August 19, 2016
It's My Daddy's Birthday
He would be fiercely proud of his granddaughters. He would have cried a river watching Leah graduate from college this past May, and shed just as many tears listening to Georgi's angelic voice singing some of his favorite Simon and Garfunkel songs. I love that she discovered them on her own, and loves their music just as much as my dad did.
I guess what I loved the most is that I know my daddy loved me. With all the hurt and brokenness in the world, I realize more and more each day how lucky I was. With all of our disagreements, I KNEW I could count on him for anything. He believed in me and supported me without me having to ask for a thing. He wasn't perfect. No one is, but I wouldn't have traded with anyone. I miss you, Daddy! Happy Birthday!
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Mike Wazowski Has a Friend, and It's not Sully
So, plan of action, for those who are curious. I will wait, which my doctor says is ok this time, until I can earn enough vacation and sick time to cover the month it will take to do this. That will help with a little of the financial dark cloud. So we are probably looking at early 2017. Until then, Mike and his new roommate better behave, there's no vacancy in Hotel Cella!
Friday, June 17, 2016
Christian Extremism...Unfortunately It Exists
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
The Unsung Hero
In 1998 when my ex-husband left, my sister was living in Florida. Her support of me and my girls started then as many times we visited for a little oasis from the stress of all things single parenthood entails. Once she had her own baby she moved back home to Richmond and many times she stood in for me if I couldn't attend a school program because I was working or doing a show. She has been with Leah all through her college journey starting with visits to campuses. She has always been willing to help in whatever way she could including driving Leah all the way to Pittsburgh for her audition for Point Park's Theatre program. I was doing a show and, obviously, could not go. I was doing the same show during Leah's first college orientation at Catawba in NC, and Jenna was there in my stead. When Leah moved home at the end of her sophomore year to transfer to the University of Richmond, my sister made the trek with me to pack the car with 2 college years accumulation and hung out at the Mall while we waited for Leah to complete her RA duties before she could leave. She has ordered books, and shopped around for bargains, and attended plays, and pretty much anything else we needed help with. She didn't get any congratulations on Sunday, but she deserved it as well. So.. Congratulations, Jenna! Job well done! oh, and THANKS!
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Time for the Pay Off
A little back story: Almost 18 years ago, I became a single Mom of 2 & 5 year old daughters. That, in itself, was daunting. I had no job, no car and no money. I had to move out of the townhouse we had been renting and into my parent's basement. I went on welfare and food stamps until I could find a job. As a little tip, don't ever get into a conversation with me about government assistance and the only people who use it are too lazy to get a job. In a short amount of time I did get a job, luckily, but it still didn't pay enough to get out on my own, so forget any kind of savings. Thinking about college for either of my girls was out of the question. In reflecting on that time I will often say, it was either eat or save for college. We chose to eat. My girls grew up knowing that if they didn't get free rides with scholarships, they weren't going to college, plain and simple. It was that way until about 10 years ago. I started working at a private university. One of the benefits of working here is free tuition for me and my dependents. There have been lots of bumps in the road. What I do is not my dream job, not even close, and many times over the 10 years I have thought, I can't do this. I'm just going to find another job, but I stayed. Sunday afternoon is the big pay off. My oldest girl will walk across the stage, and because I work here, I will get to hand her her diploma making her a college graduate with a degree in Theatre Arts. It doesn't get much more "worth it" than that!
Friday, April 29, 2016
On the Flip Side
Saturday, March 12, 2016
The Amazing World of the Bubble People
Thursday, March 10, 2016
A Follow Up on Mike
Yesterday I wrote a blog about how my pituitary tumor, christened Mike Wazowski by me, was not totally gone. I feel like there were some conclusions drawn because I was unclear. So, if I can't clear up my brain right now, I do want to clear up the understanding of what I'm experiencing and hopefully help others who are going through this. Let me say this right off the bat. THIS IS NOT CANCEROUS IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM!! Pathology was done on the original Mike, and he is benign. Also, from my understanding, this didn't grow back, it was leftover, so to speak. That doesn't mean it won't grow. That's what the follow up MRI's are for. Speaking of the MRI's, I do have insurance, and they are covered, but my cost is $750 at least, which, to me, might as well be the $2400 because I can't afford either. I am not worried! God has taken care of me to this point. He's not going to stop now. He has sent me a legion of angels in all of you, my friends and family. So if Mike is going to stick around, he's got a fight on his hands! Blessings and love to you all! ❤❤❤❤
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
I Thought You Were Gone, Mike!
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
What a Difference 3 Months Makes
Yesterday I had an appointment with an opthamologist. I am 52 years old, and I have never had a need for an ophthalmologist until about 4 months ago. Another eye doctor had diagnosed me with macular degeneration, and I was getting a second opinion. If you follow this blog,you know what happened. I had a brain tumor. When I saw the doctor, they did a field of vision test. If you don't know what that is, you have a patch over one eye, and you stare down this tunnel to a little pinprick of light. Every Time you see a flash of light, you press a clicker with your thumb. It's like a psychedelic form of Jeopardy! When you're through the machine gives you a printout of how vast your field of vision is. I had virtually no peripheral vision. Fast forward 3 months. The tumor has been removed. Time to play Psychedelic Jeopardy! again. I got all my vision back in my left eye, and there is only a small affected spot in my right. And even that, the doctor says,will probably still improve. He was so pleased. He Said he had never seen such marked improvement in so short a time! When I saw the comparison, I couldn't believe it. Not so much the improvement, but how bad it was. As we were talking,I told him how I had put off the surgery for 2 weeks because I had to finish the run of a show I was in. He asked me if I found it difficult to do the show. I thought he meant physical limitations. I said I could see well enough that it didn't affect me. He said that he meant having a hard time focusing because I was worried. I told him I wasn't worried. He asked me if my girls were like me, so laid back about the whole thing. I told him we all were. I figure whatever is going to happen is going to happen, and there isn't a whole lot I can do about it but deal with what comes. I guess some people think I'm stupid or a fool, but God's taken care of me all my life, good and bad. I hardly think He's going to stop now. I'm not going to get preachy, just telling it like it is for me. Terri's brain and eyesight, 1...Tumor, 0.
Monday, February 1, 2016
No More Teens
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Obligatory New Year Title
2016 will hold the biggest first for not only me, but my whole family. My oldest will graduate college in May. She will be the first ever to do so in our family. I am so proud of all she is doing and will do. Because I work for the University she attends, I will actually get to hand her her diploma. There will be much adjustment made that day as I try to keep it together in the awesome emotion of that moment. I am sure there will be many more issues that arise from the aftermath of brain surgery in 2016, but I have a ton of supportive fiends and an amazing family to help me through. I know I can face it well adjusted! Happy New Year!
I Am One of the Parasite Class
I have been silent for a while. Partly because I was busy with a show, but also there is so much to write about, where do I start? I have ...
I was born in 1963. A lot of things happened that year. One of the things that is probably remembered most was President John F. Kennedy w...
Hello! Me again. I know it has been a while. I seem to be saying that every time I write a post now. I know I've said this before, but ...
Tonight I did something that I haven't done for quite some time. I sat down and watched The Wizard of Oz. If you have read this blog, ...