Thursday, May 20, 2010

The End of the Holy Brownies Pilgrimage

The sad day has arrived. My 7 day eBay auction expired, and the Holy Brownies did not even receive one bid. I did not expect them too, but it has certainly been a fun ride since the blessed brownies came out of the oven on May 11th. Their pilgrimage for fame among the food relics was short-lived and no monetary rewards were gained, but they did provide a little humor and fun for several of my Facebook friends. In their short, iconic life they have been posted on Facebook, this blog, and they even went "on tour" as an illustration for my Sunday school lesson last week. Have they failed their purpose simply because they were not sold? Heavens, NO! (Ha, Ha, "Heavens," get it? Sorry, couldn't help myself) For a week they provided a smile or a laugh or even fodder for converstaion that may have sparked a friendship or lifted someone's spirits for a day. They were "food for thought" and now they are just food.

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