Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jesus, Mary and ......BROWNIES?

Last night I baked brownies. I don't bake a lot, not because I don't like it, I just don't find the time. However, I had been promising one of my daughter's friends that I would bake him brownies. He calls them "crack brownies." I am assuming because he thinks they are addictive. Let me set the record straight. I have not, nor will I ever bake or partake of "SPECIAL" brownies. You know, the ones that Harris brought in on Barney Miller and most of the precinct ended up high. Still one of my favorite episodes, but I digress. I included the above disclaimer because after I share my story, you may think that I did partake.
A couple of weeks ago my daughter and I were in a fun shop in Carytown called "Mongrel." I'm sure that Richmonders reading this are familiar with said shop. The gift items are very eclectic. She came across a book that was filled with photos of everyday items that contained religious images MIRACULOUSLY. Everything was in there from a potato chip shaped like the Pope's hat to Jesus on a grilled cheese. We had the best time looking through the book and laughing. Some were pretty cool, but others were really stretching and downright ridiculous. I am proud to say I now join the ranks of either the ridiculous or the sublime. Last night as I pulled my brownies out of the oven I noticed that one of the pans had a rather swirly design baked onto the surface. On closer examination, I saw clearly, even if no one else in the house did, the image of Madonna (no not the singer, the Mother of our Lord) and child, halo and all. I called to my daughter, "Hey," I said, "Mary and Jesus are in the brownies." She came to see. I asked could she see it and she unenthusiastically agreed. She may have just been humoring me. Sure, Mom. I see it!
I have posted the photo here for you to decide if you can see it. I'll post a photo tomorrow that outlines the image to help you see it if you can't. I didn't do that with this post because I don't want to influence in any way your perception.
Don't worry. I'm not ready for the guys in the white coats...yet. I don't think this is a miracle or a sign of the apocalypse or that I'm communicating with Heaven. I just thought it was neat and wanted to share. My sister says I should sell my "Holy Brownies" on eBay. Who knows, I just might. If they bring a lot it might just be a miracle after all.

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