Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cherish Every Moment

Goodbyes are difficult whether they are are for a short time as we part for a small trip or a bit longer when someone is leaving for college or permanently when we lose them and know they won't be in our lives anymore. They are difficult because when we say them or experience them, we have to suffer loss. I have heard this week about two families who have had to say Good-bye. One child lost their battle with leukemia and another senior boy who attended school with my daughter died last night from cardiac arrest. I CANNOT imagine what it is like to lose a child, and I pray I will never have to experience it. My heart aches for those families, especially at this time of year when everywhere you look there are images that scream family togetherness. How does one heal that gaping wound when a child is ripped from from your world?
I have no trite words of wisdom to dispense, they would sound empty and meaningless like some cheap greeting card.
What I can share is that if anything can come out of a tragedy like this, it is to make me, and I hope you too, realize how very precious life is. That every moment that we are given to love our children is a gift and that we waste far too many of those moments, taking them for granted, as if they will always be there. So tonight, when you hug your children before they go to bed, hold on for just an instant longer and tell then that you love them, even at the risk of rolling eyes at how "weird" you are. None of us knows just how many of those moments we'll have, so make every single one count. Gotta go. I've got two beautiful girls to kiss good night.

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